A warm welcome to Nick Bixley, who joins Russell, Rodney and Fono as a Director.

Nick didn’t grow up dreaming of being an accountant (that was his Dad’s gig) but fate had other ideas.
He started working at Robertson Bixley many years ago “almost by accident”, and turns out the profession isn’t all that bad.
“Now, I absolutely love it,” he says. His enthusiasm is due to the “outstanding” Robertson Bixley team and clients he works with.
“Some have been here longer than I’ve been alive, which is testament to our team and our clients, some who have been with us just as long!”
He joins us as a director who enjoys being able to help his clients achieve financial clarity to better understand their business and their role within it.
“There’s a real sense of satisfaction when someone walks out the door after meeting with us feeling motivated and clear about where they are and where they want to be.”
What are your hopes for the company as a new director?
Being able to navigate the old and the new. There’s a reason that people have been with us so long, not just the team but clients, and I want to honour that, while helping us become a modern accounting practice who’s people and clients thrive.
The best financial advice you’ve received?
It’s almost a two part answer that link together – begin with the end in mind, and be patient. Change and results aren’t instant and it’s important to be patient in order to let things evolve as they need.
What is one common mistake all business owners make?
Not valuing their own time. Lots of people we work with don’t seem to place enough value on what they do for their own businesses and how they should treat their own time. The easy go-to is that their time is free. Perhaps this is part of our humble Kiwi attitudes!
Anything else to add?
I’m recently married with a baby on the way!