
Internet banking using your bank’s website or app is generally the quickest and easiest way to ensure your payment is allocated correctly in IRD’s system.

When making direct credit payments to the IRD

We recommend using the ‘pay tax’ function provided by most NZ banks (there is no fee for this service).

Use the following details:

Particulars: Your IRD number. If you have an 8-digit IRD number, put a 0 at the beginning.

Payee code: Account [space] Time period [DDMMYYY].
For example: INC 31032020

Reference: Leave blank

You do not need to put the time period in the payee code if you’re making a payment for:
ARR – arrangements
KSS – KiwiSaver voluntary contributions
LGL – legal decisions
NCP – child support liable parents
RUL – rulings and determinations
SBC – small business cash loans
FTR – fees for New Zealand foreign trusts

IRD bank account – if you need it, the IRD’s bank account details are:
Inland Revenue Department